Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How to include sub-floats in a list-of-floats in LaTeX

Been pottering around with LaTeX lately, after a long while, and came across this handy nugget I couldn't find adequately documented anywhere else.

I was trying to combine 2 images into a single float using the subfig package, but couldn't see them in the "List of Figures", despite adding individual captions. It turned out to be a simple fix. All you need to do is add the following line just before the \listoffigures command.


As you might have guessed looking at the command, it sets the depth for list-of-figures to 2, which meant that the captions of the sub-figures were displayed.

If you've combined 2 tables into a single float, you need to add the following line just before the \listoftables command.


You can find the full documentation for subfig as a PDF, here.

And, finally, I publish a post on this blog after ages!

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